Frequently asked question

Frequantly Ask Questions

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We're here to help you with any questions or concerns you may have about our software. Whether you're a current customer looking for support, or you're interested in learning more about our software and how it can benefit your business, we're here to assist you. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing top-notch customer service and support. We understand that time is valuable, so we aim to provide quick and effective solutions to any issues or inquiries you may have. Our team is available to answer your questions, offer advice, and provide assistance with any technical difficulties you may be experiencing. If you can not find the answer of your question here, don't hesitate to contact us!

Ectaro offers a widest range of features in the market, including inventory management, order processing, shipping management, integrations, invoice & finance management, backorder management, advanced warehouse management, analytics, reporting and much more...

Ectaro offers a widest range of features in the market, including inYes, Ectaro can handle multiple currencies and languages, making it ideal for businesses that sell products internationally.ventory management, order processing, shipping management, integrations, invoice & finance management, backorder management, advanced warehouse management, analytics, reporting and much more...

Ectaro offers a monthly or yearly subscription-based pricing model. The cost depends on the number of orders and products required for you. Payment can be made via online payment gateway or wire transfer.

Yes. If your company's needs do not match our pricing plans, We are more than happy to provide you custom plans.

Yes, Ectaro offers extensive customer support to all its users. Our team of experts is available to answer any questions, offer advice, and provide assistance with any technical difficulties.

Yes, Ectaro provides life time free account for solo entrepreneurs. Also Ectaro offers a free trial for a limited time for big scale businesses. This allows users to try out the software and determine if it meets their business needs.

Yes, Ectaro is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use. The software is intuitive, making it easy for users to navigate and manage their businesses. You don't have to have deep technical knowledge to use Ectaro with full potential.

Yes, Ectaro is designed to be compatible with other software/platforms. We offer integrations with popular e-commerce platforms, payment gateways, and shipping carriers to provide a seamless experience for our users.

Yes, Ectaro is designed with security in mind. We use the latest encryption technologies to ensure that your data is secure and protected. Also We use latest back up options for your valuable datas.

The time it takes to set up Ectaro depends on the size and complexity of the business. It takes generally 1-2 days to start using ectaro with full potential. Our team of experts can work with you to ensure a smooth and efficient setup process.